Blink Eight Times

tram stations

Take a deep breath. Now. If your nose were clear you might be able to smell other people now, many different smells. Now you only smell yourself. That’s a good thing. Concentrate on yourself. Do you feel your clothing touching your skin? The area where your ostensible boundaries come into contact with something else? Good.

What’s your location? You’re in the tram—but where exactly? On the tracks—but where exactly? What kind of a structure are you inside of? Do you feel your body and the forces that surround you? Are you finding the mood a bit too pathetic for an adventure? Are you wondering what I want from you? I want to put you in a certain mood, because I’m guiding you on an

interdimensional journey.

It’s a pretty big word, I know. Don’t be afraid. As I said, I’ve done this many times before and I'm a professional. On this trip, it’s up to you. I won’t show you everything I see.

I will present you with possibilities and you’ll have to decide for yourself. As you’ve already noticed, you don’t read this in a straight line. Our journey is not a simple from-A-to-B and then goodbye forever. You’ll decide where I should lead you, and what you want to see. No matter what you decide, I will accompany you—together forever and never to part, together forever we two. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Are you in a tunnel? Then flip to page 8. Are you above ground? Then continue to page 7.