Blink Eight Times

tram stations

Interdimensional Traveller

While the houses and streets fly past outside, for now your attention is anchored here, in this book. We will be preoccupied with the outside enough later on.
For now, I’d like your full attention.

As already mentioned, I, Anna Kpok, am a regular interdimensional traveller. There are countless dimensions and new ones are coming into existence all the time—they break away whenever the bigger picture shifts direction. There are various theories about this, supported by arguments based on chemistry, physics, and philosophy—they’re very interesting. But to be honest: I don’t really understand the process myself. My approach to it is practical: interdimensional travel is great because it allows you to visit many different worlds and along the way detect a number of very different realities, where people’s lives tend to differ considerably from what you know.

You’re probably curious about how, exactly, interdimensional travel works.

Turn to page 10 now.