Blink Eight Times

tram stations

On the tram to Ernestinenstrasse

Did you find a good, safe seat? Are you sitting, or standing in a stable position? Is there enough distance between you and the other passengers? Good.

So here we are. In the tram. Yellow on the outside and on the inside—? What do you think of the seat colour? The upholstery design? The grey, sticky plastic floor? Do you have an opinion? Take a look around.

Is the tram full or empty? Is anyone else on the tram holding our book and reading it? Go ahead and nod to them.

Did you already flip to page 10 to learn about how interdimensional travel works? Yes? Then read on.

No? Then turn to page 10 immediately.

The tram left the station long ago, your body along with it, and with you, me. Together we’re being jostled around as we move along the tracks.
For a brief moment, focus only on the sounds around you. Do you hear anything you’ve never heard before?

Take a deep breath. Now. If your nose were clear you might be able to smell other people and many different smells. Now you only smell yourself. That’s a good thing. Concentrate on yourself. Do you feel your clothing touching your skin? The area where your ostensible boundaries come into contact with something else? Good.

Take a look out the window. Do you recognize anything from the other dimensions yet? There was something about blinking your eyes—how does that work again? Eight times, right?
There are only a few stops, so be ready to get off at

Once you exit the tram and are on the sidewalk, we’ll continue on page 13.